Search Engine Optimization
People are searching online for the services that your business provides. Make sure they find you easily by investing in Search Engine Optimization. Be found by more potential customers, patients, and clients today.

What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the ongoing practice of getting your business listed as high up in Search Results as possible, ensuring you’re seen by more customers, patients, and clients.

The “Organic” Section
This is where the Search Engine Optimization magic happens – the Organic section of Google Search Results. Businesses that invest in SEO appear in this section without having to pay for (and rely on) Google Ads. Ads can be beneficial but are like a sprint, whereas SEO is more like a marathon.

The “Paid Ads” Section
The first part of Google Search Results are usually where Paid Ads are shown. This is a seperate service from SEO. Paid Ads are helpful if you need leads right now and you’re not willing to invest in longer-term lead generation tactics such as Search Engine Optimization.

The “Map Pack” Section
This is what’s called the “Map Pack” section. This is a part of Search Engine Optimization, and is also a part of what is called the “Organic” section of the Google Search Results. Your Google reviews can help impact whether or not your business appears in this section of Google Search Results.

Occupy More Of Google
Paid Ads appear again in Google Search Results just below the Organic section. To occupy as many spots on Google as possible and to edge out your competitors, consider investing in both ongoing Search Engine Optimization and Paid Ads. This ensures you’re addressing both short-term and long-term growth.
The Parts of Search Engine Optimization
When done right, the practice of Search Engine Optimization can include all of the items below and many more. In fact, there are over 200 “Ranking Factors” Google takes into account when determining how well your business ranks. Working with professionals who understand all parts of SEO is key to your online success.

Website Performance

Google and other search engines reward websites that give their visitors a good experience. Part of providing a good experience is making sure your website loads fast.
Keep in mind – just because your website seems to load fast for you on the same device you’ve viewed your website on dozens of times before, doesn’t mean it’s loading just as fast for someone that has never visited your website.
Also, Google can take into account bits of code and other elements that are still loading behind-the-scenes after it appears that your website is done loading.
Make sure your marketing partner has a deep technical knowledge of website development, to give your potential customers the best experience possible.
Website Design

The visual design and structure of your website can impact search results. Google looks for signals that indicate whether or not your website visitors are easily finding the information they need.
If they are, then certain metrics such as time-on-site can increase, while other metrics such as bounce rate can decrease.
If these metrics (and many others) consistently move in the right direction, Google comes to view your website as a trustworthy and helpful resource for consumers, and will show your website to people searching for the services you provide more often.
All items on a website – from the parts you see to the code you’ll never see – all work together to enhance your rankings online.

Keywords are words that consumers use when searching for the services they need. If your website and overall online presence is optimized for specific keywords, then you have a better chance of appearing in searches when those words and terms are used.
It’s not as simple as just “adding in keywords” though! Google is very sophisticated at determining which websites are thoughtfully and strategically employing the right keywords, and which aren’t.
Additionally, the amount of searches for certain keywords fluctuate – not all keywords are of the same quality. Various types of keywords exist as well – long-tail keywords, keyword phrases, negative keywords for PPC campaigns, branded keywords, geo-targeted keywords… the list goes on.
Make sure you’re working with a partner that understands the nuances of keywords. It’s not about the amount – it’s about the overall strategy of how they’re used.
Business Listings

Letting as many online services and platforms know what your official business name, telephone number, physical address, and website URL is helps you show up better in search results.
These include things like Yelp,,, and more – plus dozens of others you haven’t heard of. Many of these services make assumptions about your business info and create unofficial listings on your behalf, which can do more harm than good.
Google also looks for consistent business info across different listings (it’s called “Name-Address-Phone Consistency”).
Make sure you’re working with a partner that can distribute your correct business info to as many places as possible, and that maintain these listings for consistency.
Online Reviews

Demonstrating that you provide great services to happy customers, clients, and patients can help you show up better online.
One of the best ways to do this is through Google Business Profile reviews. It’s a known fact that the more reviews you have, and the more positive they are, the better your website shows up in local search results.
Improving this first begins with identifying who your happy customers are. We can help with that identification, as well as providing a private venue for those that may have “feedback” about their experiences with your business.
Ongoing Blogging

Blogs may sounds simple, but when implemented correctly, they can signifigantly aid Search Engine Optimization and conversion rates.
Each new blog adds more “virtual real estate” to your website. If they’re optimized for the services and keywords you’re trying to rank for, they become even more useful.
If your marketing partner accomplishes a competitive analysis and identifies the kinds of content and topics that your competitors aren’t writing about, then you’ll appear in search results when others don’t.
Additionally, Google specifically looks for new, fresh content to be added to a website on a periodic basis.
Lastly, while your website visitors won’t read every word of every blog, they will read enough to see that you’re an expert in your field, building trust and credibility, which results in more phone calls.
Static Website Content

Much like ongoing Blogging, the static written content on your website is an important part of Search Engine Optimization.
Your website needs enough quality written content to ensure Google knows exactly what you’re about, including what services you offer, where you’re located, common questions you’re asked, and more.
This content needs to be optimized for both Google and your human visitors, and it needs to be created in tandem with your website design.
If you have great written content simply placed on your website in long paragraphs with no consideration for design, then it won’t matter how great your content is – visitors will simply hit that back button.
Likewise, a great design is important, but without quality content to help your website be found online, no one will ever see your awesome-looking website anyway.
Website Architecture

Google gets smarter every day, but it can’t yet glance at a website and fully understand everything it sees like we humans do with our eyes.
Websites must instead be organized and architectured in a way that a machine can understand, in order for your business to appear more often in search results.
This includes creating a clear hierarchy of pages, services, content topics, and all other types of information found on your website.
This applies to the structure of content on a single page, to how those individual pages fit together.
The best time to put in place an optimal website architecture is when building a site from scratch, so make sure you’re working with a partner that understands this vital step.
Google Business Profile

If your website is your home on the web, then your Google Business Profile is your home directly on Google.
Having a Google Business Profile is a vital part of SEO, and it’s also where your happy customers, patients, and clients leave you positive reviews.
Your profile helps people find where you’re physically located, and can be a powerful signal to Google that you’re a local company open for business.
Just like your website, it’s a good idea to keep your Google Business Profile updated periodically as well with fresh imagery, news items, and specials.
While usually straightforward, there are nuances and situations where working with experienced professionals to create, optimize, and maintain your Google Business Profile can prevent headaches and ensure you’re seen by as many people searching for your services as possible.
The Other Stuff

There are over 200 factors that Google considers when deciding how, when, and if to show your website to people searching for the services you provide – and those are just the ones Google has confirmed or have been verified by studies!
Many of these factors change on a regular basis, either shifting in priority or becoming replaced by ranking factors that are applicable to modern technology, devices, and the overall state of the Internet.
Now more than ever, you need a marketing partner in your back pocket that understands the current online landscape and can act proactively, ensuring you stay in front of those that need the services you provide.
Why Is SEO An Ongoing Effort?

Google Algorithm Changes

Dozens of signifigant and potentially impactful updates are implemented by Google every year that can influence whether your website is seen by potential customers, clients, and patients or not. Because of this, consistent attention is required to improve, monitor, and maintain your rankings on Google and other search engines. Give us a call at (804) 489-8188.

Shifting Competitive Landscape

As more businesses invest in Search Engine Optimization, competing for a top spot on Google becomes more difficult. This is why you need help from experts that not only assess your online presence, but that also investigate your competitors. Doing this consistently can uncover opportunities to get ahead in your local market. Give us a call at (804) 489-8188.

Fresh Content & Business Updates

Search Engines (including Google), and most online platforms reward websites and buinesses that provide new, fresh content on a periodic basis. This includes ongoing SEO-optimized blog posts, fresh reviews and testimonials, updated imagery, and more. Consistently letting the Internet know you’re an active business helps potential leads find you over your competitors. Give us a call at (804) 489-8188.

SEO Is A Marathon – not a Sprint

Familiar with the fable of The Tortoise and the Hare? SEO is the Tortoise. Paid Ads can be seen as the Hare. There’s a time and place for Paid Ads, but if you’re looking for a more consistent and potentially more affordable investment option, SEO is a smart move. Feeling aggressive with your marketing efforts? Then consider investing in both SEO and Paid Ads. Give us a call at (804) 489-8188.